Today, world is not a safe place as it used to be. There are attacks on the civilians, car hijacking, and shootings between mafia and many more unfortunate incidents are on the rise, especially when people are on the move. It is believed that 80% to 90% attacks occur during road travel. Prominent personals, politicians, scientists and the rich people are on high risk. They feel the need to safeguard themselves when they are travelling. They need to protect themselves with Armoured Vehicles and get it done from armoured vehicles manufacturers from around the world.
You and many more people like you feel that they are at danger but cannot afford armoured vehicle. The myth that armoured vehicles are costly needs to find a reality; the ice needs to break that they are not exorbitantly costly as they are assumed. You do not have to armour your car to launch a rocket at the other car. You just need to have a bullet proof car to protect yourself and your own vehicle. There is nothing wrong to be knowledgeable on the issue of armouring your vehicle. You need to know about the reasons and benefits you can get by armouring your car. Why would you or any other person want to armour his or her vehicle?
- Own Protection: Nothing is more precious than your life, when you are inside armoured vehicle you are safe no matter what is happening outside. A bulletproof vehicle can provide this protection by restricting bullets from entering the car.

- Vehicle’s protection: Your car is your priced possession and you don’t want it to be destroyed or damaged at any cost. After armouring your vehicle you are assured that it will remain intact unless someone tries really hard to destroy it.

- Increasing threat level: Since some areas are more prone to terrorist attack and political instability, there is a need of self-protection and security in a bullet proof vehicle.
- Recent Activities: You are insecure due to recent activities, crimes and attack in your area, and want to feel safe in theprotective shell of your car while mobile.
- Protection for others: Your loved ones may be at risk because you are an influential person or a public figure – you have won many hearts but at the same time invited many rivals also and you want to safeguard your family or friends.
Recommended: 8 Things You Didn't Know About Armoured Vehicles
- Peace of mind: It’s very important to protect yourself and your family members who use your vehicle. Thanks to armouring solutions! Your peace of mind is guaranteed every time.
- Attached with influential people: Safety of people working with highly influential people becomes equally important sometimes. Public figures are always in danger but people who stay 24X7 with them also become prone to attacks and evil eyes.
- Valuable Material: If your profession deals with transporting valuable information and material, then you are at high risk of attack and it is a need rather than want to protect yourself and your vehicle.

- Handling panic situation: Handling panic situation and interacting with the outer areas from inside the car can get you some extra help and protect you from any traumatic situation.
These are good enough reasons for you to decide the need of armour car and bring peace of mind to you. You would totally agree, cars can be replaced and lives cannot!
What does an Armour car mean to you? Do you think, only rich people can afford it? Do you want to armour your car? Well, there are some myths which have stopped you from thinking that you can own an armoured vehicle.
The big question—you think armouring a vehicle is very costly? Do you think you cannot afford it? Well, these questions arise because we have seen very rich people or politicians owning these vehicles. But things have changed since the last decade. The crime has been on a rise; therefore, many armour vehicle manufacturers around the world have come up with an idea of creating bullet proof vehicles which are affordable and dependent on the security kit you want to install. New technological advancements have taken place and ballistic steel that can take 9mm Handgun fires,finer glass, flat tyre system, etc. have come up to provide basic security.
Must Read: How strong is a Bulletproof vehicle?
Therefore the prices have dropped and more and more people are going for bullet proof cars. With these different kinds of safety kits available according to the needs of the individual, bullet proof cars are becoming popular. What does it take to armour your vehicle?
- Ballistic Steel
- Transparent Bullet proof glass
- Run flat tyre
- Floor protection
- Modified engine; shockers and suspension
- Modified brakes
- Sirens
- Gun ports, if needed
Armouring vehicle is not only a luxury or want; it can be a need depending on life situation. Saving yourself and your loved ones is in your hands. Be safe than sorry!
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